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PhD in Development Studies

Program Structure

The cycle of studies leading to the PhD in Development Studies corresponds to 180 ECTS and has a normal duration of 6 curricular semesters, integrating:

  • A specialization course, consisting of an organized set of curricular units called the PhD Course (60 ECTS);
  • A work component oriented towards the final work and corresponding to the elaboration of an original Thesis, or equivalent work, its discussion and approval (120 ECTS).

As an alternative to the preparation of the Thesis, it can be considered as equivalent work, which will also be subject to discussion and approval: the compilation of three research papers, duly within the framework of a coherent and relevant set of research works already accepted for publication in journals with selection committees of recognized international merit.

Study Plan

Scientific areas: Development Studies (ED), Economics (EC), Political Science (CP), History (H), Sociology (S), Geography (G) and Other Social Sciences (OUT).

Course Units Scientific Area Semester ECTS
Theories of Modernity and Development
Teorias da Modernidade e do Desenvolvimento
EC/S 1st Semester 9
Development in Transition
Desenvolvimento em Transição
H/G/S 1st Semester 12
Research Methods in Development Studies
Métodos de Investigação em Estudos de Desenvolvimento
ED 1st Semester 6
Research Seminar I
Seminário de Investigação I
ED 1st Semester 3
Development Policy and Politics
Política e Políticas de Desenvolvimento
EC/H/CP 1st Semester 7,5
Research Essay
Ensaio de Investigação
ED 2nd Semester 4,5
Topics in Development Studies
Tópicos de Estudos de Desenvolvimento
ED 2nd Semester 3
Elective Modules of Research Methods
Métodos Opcionais de Investigação
ED 2nd Semester 6
Research Seminar II
Seminário de Investigação II
  2nd Semester 3
Elective Unit
Unidade Curricular optativa
OUT 2nd Semester 6

Course Units Scientific Area Semester ECTS
Thesis (Research Seminar)
Trabalho de investigação/Dissertação
ED Annual 60

Course Units Scientific Area Semester ECTS
Thesis (Research Seminar)
Trabalho de investigação/Dissertação
ED Annual 60