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1st AgroecoDecipher Workshop - Metrics That Make a Difference: How to Analyze Change and Error

1st AgroecoDecipher Workshop - Metrics That Make a Difference: How to Analyze Change and Error

10.05.2024 | 09h30 - 13h00
Sala de Conferências Jorge Gaspar (IGOT)

This workshop concerns how to quantify temporal change and predictive error for a variety of applications, in particular for Land Change Science and Geographic Information Science. The workshop focuses on concepts, not on how to use specific software. Participants do not need to bring computers.

With Prof. Robert Gilmore Pontius Jr (Clark University, USA)

The workshop is FREE. To register please use the form below.


1st AgroecoDecipher Workshop 

Metrics That Make a Difference: How to Analyze Change and Error




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